Monday, January 18, 2016

信近エリさん、 久しぶり - Eri Nobuchika is back!

Hello all, it's been almost 5 years. Happy 2016!

Today, I just found out that Eri Nobuchika, J-pop's classiest and best female vocalist - has returned! In fact, in April of last year, Eri's new website ( has launched, and she's billed under the Rhythm Zone label of Avex. Throughout 2015, she's had a couple of televised appearances and gigs. Very excitingly, she's also released a YouTube account, where an assortment of covers, demos and new material is showcased: Eri Nobuchika YouTube . Her beautiful style, but mostly, her amazing voice and artistry is completely intact. In fact, it's better than ever! She's working on a new album, and if this is a taste of what's to come, I cannot wait.

This is a very exciting time for all of us. I remember 12 years ago, when I played Lumines and heard "Lights" for the first time. I cried my eyes out, it was the single most intense gaming/music experience I ever had. and will gradually restart to accommodate Eri's return.

In the mean time, be sure to check her new, official website, and all her social media channels! Let's give her our full support! Or if you'd like, take a trip down memory lane and check out our old fansite, which is partly defunct - but the only old content still online: Sony's and Eri's own Jugem blog have either disappeared or have been largely emptied of content.

Nobuchika Eri Official (AVEX)
Nobuchika Eri Facebook
Nobuchika Eri Instagram
Nobuchika Eri YouTube

(Old fansite)

信近エリさん、 久しぶり. おかえりなさい。

Sunday, August 21, 2011



Hi everyone it's been a long time. I've been busy with life, and so has Eri-san. On her blog, there have been the usual music - fashion - nails - tasty food blog stuffs..until March 2011 when the Tohoku Earthquake hit. There hasn't been much news after that, but in the two posts after the quake it seems apparent Eri-san is safe. よかったですね。

If all goes well, I will receive "hands" soon. I will subsequently review it. So stay tuned! ^_^

Saturday, May 29, 2010

信近エリ - きみなんだ

The PV of "Kimi Nanda" from "hands".

I almost forgot Eri's wonderful smooth vocals. すごくすばらしいですね ^_^



I have been busy with life, and I regret to have discovered that the domain was taken by someone else. I'm still thinking about what to do with this blog.

In the meanwhile, Eri-san hasn't stood still. While the days of Sony with the big record deal, MVs and Swallow Tail Radio, seem firmly behind her, Eri's been finding the occasional gig ( and still updating her blog with bits and morcels of her life. Another cool thing I found was this remix of Inner Glow:

Having said that, I still need to purchase "Hands". I still haven't, it's quite shameful actually.

But even though the big lights (pun intended) are out, I'm sure we all still hold a candle for the greatest female vocals of Jpop.


あなたの音楽をありがとうございます。 いまとずっとはがんばってください。 


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

#10 at iTunes Japan??

In a stroke of brilliance, "hands" has reached number 10 at iTunes Japan! Actually, that's really amazing! おめどうtござます 信近さん!

Unfortunately, iTunes Japan is thoroughly locked out for foreign users. We will have to wait for the album release, just a few days away.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

「hands」 full album on Myspace - PV

信近エリさん just gave the heads up for the full preview of her new album, hands, on Myspace. A PV is being made, starring some fluffy cuddly friends?

> nobuchikaeri.myspace